Why I love programming?

Extended title: " Why I love coding/programming, software development, software engineering and everything in this field of work ? " I am a guy who easily gets bored of stuff within short span of time. In this context, I have a brain like that of a 2 years old kid who craves for something and when I get it I abandon it away within no time. But it's exactly the other way round when it comes to anything in computers. I first saw a computer at the age of 15 when my first cousin got one for a post graduate program. I, for that matter anyone of us kids, were not allowed to touch it initially. After a few months of pestering we were allowed to play games and MS Paint. Eventually, not by choice though, got a seat in computers and information science branch for my engineering course and my dad got me my first computer. I am including the spec just to know how much we have progressed since 15 years. - Pentium III processor cased inside a cab...